About Us
Personal Training:
We offer one on one training to help you meet your specificc goals and needs.
First, we would like to have a discovery phone call where we can determine if we can help you and if we would be a good fit for you.
Next, we will bring you to the gym for an in person consultation where we will discuss the frame work of how we work with clients and we will walk you through mobility, flexibility, and strength balance assessments to determine if and how we can help you best.
From there we will outline a plan and determine an appropriate number of sessions based on your needs and goals.
We believe a large part of the process is education and throughout our process we will be discussing topics related to health and wellness that will aid in helping you achieve your goals.
We will guide you with the basics of sleep, stress, and recovery. The basics of food, fuel, and navigating gatherings and the holidays. We will work with you on developing specific goals and improving daily habits.
Group Classes:
We offer group classes that are designed to challenge our members at all levels. Our classes run about an hour and you will be led by an instructor through the whole class.
We are a gym full of everyday people looking to better their lives. We have members that attend our classes from 14-70+ years old. We want to meet you where you are and help you achieve your individual goals. We will help guide you with proper movement and mechanics in well thought out fun and exciting ways. We will push you physically and mentally.
We believe that fitness and health is a lifelong process. To succeed and continue to grow we must have mindset that allows for growth. Positivity and negativity are contagious, spread the good. We practice what we preach, call us out if we don't. We have built a community that is supportive and inclusive to all people. Anyone can do what we do, not everyone wants to, that is ok.
The best exercise and way of eating are the ones that you will do. Find something that you look forward to and is fun. Sometimes that takes being around great people. Find a way of eating that you can see yourself still doing in 5 years and stick with it.

Getting Started
If you have recent experience with squatting, deadlifting, pressing, cleans, snatches, kettlebells, pull-ups, toes to bar, and more then you are welcome to join our classes right away. Please contact us below to set up a time. If you aren't familiar with most of these movements you are not alone and option 2 is best for you.
Go through 4 one on one personal training sessions for movement/injury assessment, learn our foundational movements, and how we adjust workouts and movements for all ability levels. Please contact us below to set up a time.