February 2016
We are excited to announce our first athlete of the month is Dana Jenick. Dana started with us when we first opened up and has been working hard ever since we first met her. She always comes in with a smile and has a positive attitude. Her positive energy is contagious and we feel very fortunate to have her in our gym.

Please tell us about yourself.
We live in such a great place and I am very fortunate to enjoy so many outdoor activities, we; ski, snowmobile, cross country ski, snow shoe, horseback ride, bike, hike, maybe even try stand up paddle boarding this year? I have a great husband, John (who also comes to Defiance for Cory’s killer workout), and we have a horse (Dundee), a mule (Lily), 2 dogs (labs – yikes Jellybean and Popsicle) and 2 cats (Mellow and The Berzerker), we live on a small ranch just north of New Castle. We are from Michigan, near Detroit, the motor city and also enjoy classic muscle cars. Most of the time we feel like the luckiest people in the world! Oh, and I am proud to mention that we have been married for 28 years!
When did you become a member at Defiance West?
April 2015. My workout regimen was not cutting it, I needed something new, more challenging, I needed my body to stay strong and fit and so I could enjoy all of the things I love to do.
What made you join Defiance West and why do you do it now?
I saw a small ad in the Post Independent, called the number, got Cory’s voicemail and hung up. I knew a little bit about high intensity and interval workouts, heard some negative stories about injuries and the athleticism required for these workouts and changed my mind…..it was not for me, I guess. Then, Cory called me right back and I asked all of the questions, told him my age, fitness level, strength, ability and he convinced me to come in and give it a try……HOOKED! First workout had me hooked. I loved it; it was exactly what I needed to reach my fitness goals. Now, almost a year later, I look so forward to the going to Defiance, not just for the workouts, but to see all of the other hard working, fit people who are so much fun to be around. Plus, I am getting abs, yep, can just about see abs now, whoo hoo!
What were your thoughts after your first workout?
After the first workout, couldn’t wait for the second workout….then I started scheming ways to convince John to join me, he’s not a “gym” guy, so I knew it would be difficult, but he too would enjoy it once he tried it. I got him to come to several Saturday classes and now he is hooked, this makes me happy!
What is your athletic background?
I am a local Group Fitness instructor, I still teach some classes during the week. I taught Zumba for a while (did it on a dare), it was fun, the music was great, it just takes a long time to learn the songs and to be honest, I am really not much of a dancer, but the cardio was fun . I have done triathlons, might do some in the future, who knows? Running was always the big challenge for me. I have always done something to stay fit but never considered myself an athlete.
What is your favorite movement or workout?
The most fun workouts are when we do a variety of movements, such as: cleans, dead lifts, toes to bar, pull-ups (I can do one unassisted that took 8 months of focus), sled pushes and pulls, 200 meter run, kettlebell swings, skiing, sit-ups, farmers carries and I don’t hate burpees…? I like team style workouts too; it gives me a chance to get to know people a little bit better.
What is your least favorite?
Wall balls, even though I think they are a complete total body workout, they kick my butt!
What has been your favorite or proudest moment since joining?
Getting my first pull-up! Currently working on two in a row! I should also mention toes to bar, I can do six in a row now, could not do them at all when I started. Also, getting John to workout with me, so much fun! He loves it. We love it.
How has Defiance West changed your life, lifestyle, and level of fitness?
We have a small ranch that always requires physical labor, I have gotten so much stronger I can toss a bale of hay around, fix fence no problem, lift the heavy mule saddle, everything is easier. Defiance has also made all of the fun, outdoor activities I do, easier.
My level of fitness has improved so much, we have our tracking books and all of my strength movement numbers are getting better, conditioning is excellent and I have met so many great people who enjoy so many of the same activities, more people to hang out with.
The fitness challenges are fun; I love trying every one of those, one of these days; I am going to win one! The 21 day healthy eating challenge was quite the eye opener. I had some adjustments to make, developed some bad habits over the years that needed to be changed. As a result of this challenge, I lost 5 pounds and with the necessary adjustments, have kept that off. If we ever do that again, I recommend you try it, you may learn something about yourself that can help you in the years to come. You will also pair up with someone who you will get to know and respect and admire.
What are your fitness goals for this year?
At least 5 consecutive strict pull-ups, consecutive double unders and to pay more attention to the workout instructions Cory is giving. I am usually socializing or goofing off…….the nerve of him to interrupt my fun with the workout instructions – – J
What is something most people don’t know about you?
I am a black belt in a martial art, Choi Kwan Do. Self-defense is something I think everyone should know. I spent years working my way up to black belt, it is very disciplined and takes a lot of practice, our instructors always used to say, “perfect practice makes perfect” and it is true. Same applies at Defiance, do whatever it takes to get the proper technique in place and it is a lot more effective.
What advice would you give to people looking to get started at our gym?
Start, just show up! That can be the hardest part. Show up as often as possible and be patient with yourself. You will see athletes who are so strong and can do so many of the lifts and make the conditioning look easy, well, they started at some point too. Set some specific goals, you will improve your fitness level every day you show up. Get your friends to show up, your spouse, sig other, the social and interactive part of it is as important as the strength aspect, I look forward to seeing everyone there! You all motivate me! I love the days when the room is full and we are bumping into each other.
One last note, I travel a lot for business and when I can, I drop into CrossFit gym’s and need to report that we have the best coach! We get very personal coaching, he knows are abilities, strengths, what challenges us, and what motivates us, we are LUCKY!