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May Athlete of the Month

Congratulations to Camille Landry for being the May Athlete of the Month. She consistently pushes herself and others around her to work their hardest. When she is in class Camille makes the gym more fun, thank you being part of what makes our gym so great!

Please tell us about yourself.

Hi! I am Camille, or to my 4th graders at ECE, Ms. Landry. Originally from the boot, I moved to CO about 2 years ago. I originally came to the west in 2011 to work at a wilderness therapy job in Utah, which led me to Glenwood to meet a friend’s aunt and uncle, who then offered me a job at their homeless shelter. Then they told me about a missionary family in Uganda...who I ended up living with them for a year (living in a mud hut, having a pet monkey, fighting off cobras, rafting the Nile). So far, life has been a grand adventure! I love hiking, camping, kayaking...anything outside ESP on the water.

When did you become a member at Defiance West?

November 2015!

What made you join Defiance West and why do you do it now?

A coworker, Silvana Hayden, invited me to come. I did not know what I was in for, but I loved it! She is continually a source of motivation and support at work and the gym! I do it now because I love it. I love the feeling of accomplishing something everyday that I never knew I could do. I love our community and coaches!

What were your thoughts after your first workout?

I remember doing wall balls and box jumps and feeling like I was back in high school at basketball practice, which brought me back to my “glory days”. It felt great to feel like an “athlete” again.

What is your athletic background?

I have been hoopin’ since ‘95. I also played softball in high school and all the college intramurals, including ultimate Frisbee.

What is your favorite movement or workout?

Love me some back squats.

What is your least favorite?

Currently, double unders. We have a love/hate relationship, esp when they smack me on the back of my legs.

What has been your favorite or proudest moment since joining?

Ya know, I am proud of myself all of the time. I’m proud I show up, I’m proud I try and give it all I’ve got (most days). Recently, with the help of Dana, John and Tori, I was able to get the courage to try a wall hand stand. It was a scary movement for me, flipping my feet up like that...ahhhh! But they coaxed me and helped me and finally I got it on my own. Whoooo!

How has Defiance West changed your life, lifestyle, and level of fitness?

I often think to myself, “Wow, I can’t believe I’m doing this!” Whether at the gym lifting or out and about running or hiking, I feel stronger. This past year I went rock climbing for the first time, and that was such a moment where I could really tell my fitness had improved. Never in a million years would I have even thought about trying rock climbing, but I DID IT and I LOVED IT! Through our wellness challenges and Cierra’s coaching and support, I have learned a lot about nutrition and diet that has been huge for me, as well as sustainable. Being from the south, I have not always had the best eating habits, (fried shrimp, fried okra, fried twinkies…), but after our first challenge of basically cutting out processed foods and sugar, I found myself having way more energy and feeling less and less lethargic. Yay!

What are your fitness goals for this year?

Well, I have a half marathon in June. Besides that, I’d love to get double unders, toes to bar and a rope climb in this year!

What is something most people don’t know about you?

I am the tubing (behind a boat kind) champion of my family!! Which says a lot because my dad is a crazy boat driver. My little sister says it’s because of the “suction”. Ha!

What advice would you give to people looking to get started at our gym?

Just show up, you’ll love it! :) Your health is worth the investment of time, money and energy. It’s not just a gym, it’s a fam.

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