January Athlete of the Month
Congratulations to Tim Lavin for being named the Athlete of the Month for January. Tim consistently pushes himself in his workouts, is very concerned about improving his movement quality, and brings a positive attitude to every class. When Tim is in class he makes the class more enjoyable for everyone. Thank you for making our gym so great.

1. Please tell us about yourself. My amazing wife and I moved to New Castle in 2006 and have two boys’ ages 6 and 2. I pay the bills by saving cats from trees and hugging puppies and babies (I’m a fireman). I love to do anything that scares me and enjoy experiencing everything life has to offer with my family. You can find my family and I outside playing sports or exploring the amazing mountains on any given day.
2. When did you become a member at Defiance West? Maybe over a year ago, help me out on this Cory. (Editor note: September 5th, 2016, time flies)
3. What made you join Defiance West and why do you do it now? I felt I needed something challenging as well as a group to workout with. I have done CrossFit type workouts in the past but found myself sacrificing form so I could get the fastest time or lift the heaviest weight and in turn I was injured most of the time. When I started at DW Cory and Cierra really called me out and made me work on my form and made me lift appropriate weight. They also made me realize that it isn’t about having the fastest time or the heaviest weight; it’s about having longevity in your fitness and being able to move freely without pain. They have also improved my relationship with the floor as I’ve been able to pick things off of it without pain!
4. What were your thoughts after your first workout? I can’t remember the first workout but I always feel that sense of accomplishment after every workout which makes me happy!
5. What is your athletic background? I played highly competitive soccer and have generally dabbled in anything sport related.
6. What is your favorite movement or workout? I really like the long workouts where you are chipping away at movements.
7. What is your least favorite? I have a love hate relationship with moving the barbell above my head.
8. What has been your favorite or proudest moment since joining? Being able to deadlift without having excruciating lower back pain the next day is something I thought I could never achieve.
9. How has Defiance West changed your life, lifestyle, and level of fitness? I feel that I have a better understanding on how my body reacts to diet and exercise and how diet really affects performance (especially after I crushed a ton of M&M’s on Christmas).
10. What are your fitness goals for this year? My goals this year is to increase my mobility and to do a Passover on the peg boards (I need a partner Brandi or Cory!!). I would also like to plan the first ever beer mile challenge at DW.
11. What is something most people don’t know about you? I have a mentally disabled younger sister with Sotos Syndrome. Growing up with her really gave me a sense of how to appreciate the little things that most of us all take for granted.
12. What advice would you give to people looking to get started at our gym? Don’t be scared or nervous, everyone in the gym standing next to you had a first day as well, those standing next you are there to better themselves and others, so take it all in and keep coming back to experience it.