March Athlete of the Month
Congratulations to Justin Adis for being name the Defiance West Athlete of the Month for March. Justin sets the bar high everyday in the 5:30am class, he does a great job of pushing and encouraging other gym members, and he makes the gym a better place when he is there (he has also been setting the bar for costumes during our open workouts).

Please tell us about yourself.
Married to Tara for 22 years this July, son is 19, a freshman at CSU in Ft. Collins and daughter is 14 and goes to River View elementary in Glenwood. I’m part owner of Columbine Ford in Rifle and, after spending my early years in Carbondale, am super excited to get back to the area again. At the end of the day, I’m just a dumb car guy who never had brains enough to get out of the car business.
When did you become a member at Defiance West?
Dec 2016
What made you join Defiance West and why do you do it now
It was the only CF gym in New Castle, where I had just relocated to, and it’s the best damn gym I’ve ever been a part of!
What were your thoughts after your first workout?
My first workout was in 2014, had to do pull ups and I totally shredded my hands. Ripped skin and blood everywhere. Thought the gym owner was going to kick me out. After the other members high fived me and I didn’t get the boot, I figured I’d go back the next day. I’ve kind of been a junky since then
What is your athletic background?
Grew up in gymnastics from elementary school thru middle school, which is when I finally accepted the fact that my puny and non-pubescent body couldn’t hang there anymore. Turned to cycling in high school and have done that ever since. Lots of road racing and mountain biking… still love it. Well, the riding part. No more racing, too many broken bones, stitches and spent too much money replacing broken bike parts.
What is your favorite movement or workout?
I like anything that’s longer, body weight and a tad on the lung busting side.
What is your least favorite?
Thrusters. Yuck, hate ‘em.
What has been your favorite or proudest moment since joining?
I finally broke thru the mental barrier of having 45lb plates on a barbell when it comes to overhead lifts… it just looks so darn heavy.
How has Defiance West changed your life, lifestyle, and level of fitness?
This gym, and all of you, have renewed my excitement for the sport which has improved my overall fitness in pretty cool ways. I really love the fact that everyone is encouraged to do what they can and not worry about what others are doing.
What are your fitness goals for this year?
I want to always to be able to enjoy the outdoors by staying fit and healthy. Still need to work on improving my barbell confidence.
What is something most people don’t know about you?
In my spare time I work as a stunt double for Tom Cruise and the Mission Impossible movie franchise. Post production chops off 6 inches of height and changes my hair to brown (from gray L) so we look alike. Actually, I’m a pretty boring dude, nothing really dramatic or exciting about me. I think I said this as an answer to a morning question many months ago; I shaved my legs for over 10 years when I was into road racing. I’ve let myself go since I moved up here; lots of leg hair now (eww, says my wife).
What advice would you give to people looking to get started at our gym?
It’ll change your life - personally, professionally and everything in between. You’ll think more clearly, you’ll be happier and more positive, you’ll have more energy, illness and sickness will run off your back like water on a duck. Just give it 90 days. You’ll be sore and it’ll be hard, but on day 91, you’ll be hooked.