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October Athlete of the Month

Congratulations to Addy Marantino for being named the Athlete of the Month. Addy has been consistent since the day she started, she is constantly trying to get better, she has really dialed in her diet, and she is a great role model for her kids. Thank you Addy for being a part of our gym and truly making it a better place.

1. Please tell us about yourself.

a. A bit of a mixed bag here, like most of us. Grew up in the military, moving often and still have a few elementary school friends. We travel often and every few years I feel like it’s time to move somewhere completely random. I’m the oldest of four biological sisters, number two overall with three brothers in the mix. I’m the handywoman in the family (even the electrical 😉 thanks to my tenure in the fire service but have acquired enough wisdom now to acknowledge that just because I CAN, does not mean I SHOULD. I also bake and decorate a mean cake/cookie, can sew, make tables, the artsy stuff. Most of you know my kiddos (made them too), they’re pretty cool and occupy the largest chuck of my free time.

2. When did you become a member at Defiance West?

a. February 2020

3. What made you join Defiance West and why do you do it now?

a. I needed a place to work out and some peer pressure. Natalie had been helping me with some big parts of my life and routine exercise was a huge gaping hole. She suggested DW. Now I really can’t imagine not coming. I love the simultaneous focus on the work and checking out of life for a bit, “foreign language” workouts that require translation most days, being a student and the people. Lots of really great people in one place.

4. What were your thoughts after your first workout?

a. That I could do this and I wanted to do more.

5. What is your athletic background?

a. Swam competitively since I was in the second grade, school sports and rec leagues. I’m never the star athlete but always enjoy the team vibe.

6. What is your favorite movement or workout?

a. I like the team workouts best and any of the rest that make me laugh…because I missed landing on the box or something.

7. What is your least favorite?

a. At this point I don’t dislike any of it. Burpees still kick my butt somedays and running takes a bit of a pep talk but I’ve decided I will choose to like them.

8. What has been your favorite or proudest moment since joining?

a. The current fav would be the kids, having Embrey at the gym and finding Azi cleaning in the living room (cross fit cleaning, not actual pick up the room cleaning!). Proud of her form too!

9. How has Defiance West changed your life, lifestyle, and level of fitness?

a. Well, it’s changed kinda everything. It dictates the daily schedule, I eat more than I ever have, stopped wearing shoes, have solid/healthy peer pressure & support, roped the oldest child and the next won’t be a hard sell. I’m stronger than I’ve ever been physically which translates into most daily or recreational activities just being better.

10. What are your fitness goals for this year?

a. All five strict pullups

11. What is something most people don’t know about you?

a. I have the universal donor blood type but am always rejected for donation…something about mad cow disease. If you’re ever in a pinch though, I’ll share!

12. What advice would you give to people looking to get started at our gym?

a. Try it, give it a month before you decide not to invest.


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